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Jesus died


Jesus died, and death means the end. Everything seemed meaningless. The biggest miscarriage of justice of the history just happened. But John, the writer of the text we read, knew something else. Therefore, it was important to him to write some details about what happened right after Jesus’ death. To make death occur sooner, the soldiers broke the bones of the ones crucified alongside Jesus. They had to get the bodies down from the crosses before the Sabbath in the Jewish Passover feast started. When they approached Jesus he was already dead, and they didn’t break his bones. But for some reason, one of the soldiers pierced his side with a spur. By this, the prophecies were fulfilled, and John quotes Psalm 34, 21 and Zak 12, 10.


What does this mean? Well, what happened was not a coincidence. It means that God knew and planned Jesus death, to save us. God took control over the result of peoples’ sin and turned it into our salvation. He let Jesus take the consequences of our sins, and fulfilled his plan of salvation through Jesus.


Those who were there, did not understand this plan at first. Two people who had been secret followers of Jesus, showed up. The two were Josef of Arimathea and Nicodemus. John 3,1ff tells about Nicodemus as he came to Jesus at night. They wanted to honor Jesus one last time, and now it was safe to do so. Followers of a dead person, nobody would care.


Oh, if they knew! The one they organized a tomb for, didn’t stay there very long. Which was great – for them and us!     







 Anfin Skaaheim.





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