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Skrevet av Jesusnett Dato13-03-16 05:15 Treff232 Kommentar0


   Make a Daffodil






Daffodil (recipe for one)


You need: two and a half muffin cup, one thin and one thick wire (about 30 cm), green flowers tape, scissors and pliers. 


1.   make an eye with the thick wire. 

2. Split a muffin cup in two.

3. Twirl the cup around the eye, attach it firmly with the thin wire. 

4. Make 6 cut in the muffin cups, towards the middle. Rounding the edges.

5. Make a hole in the middle. 

6. Thread it on the thick wire. Wind around it using a thin wire. 

7. Cover the thin wire with green tape. 


Tip: Wind firmly, so it is real tight. Adults need to help the children using scissors and pliers.

You can use thin hair elastics when attaching.

Small children: Do not cut the muffin cups, just make a hole and thread it on the wire.



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