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Skrevet av Jesusnett Dato20-03-16 00:03 Treff387 Kommentar0


The King is coming

Palm Sunday. Jesus enters Jerusalem riding on a donkey, welcomed like a King.

The Jews were well aware of their story. The Old Testament told them about the arrival of a new king.

A king greater than King David, their hero. He was to arrive exactly like Jesus did this Sunday.

The crowd was waiving branches of palm trees and shouted “Hosanna!”, almost like we shout

“Long live the king!”. Jesus IS the king the Old Testament was talking about.

 But He didn’t come to be the king of the Jews in Judea, nor to throw out the Roman occupiers,

like the crowd expected and wanted him to do.

Later, when He met with Pontius Pilate, the one who sentenced Him to death,

Jesus told him straight: “My kingdom is not of this world”.


He is a King of Peace. Not a ruler by the power of weapons, but by the power of Love.

 The King of God’s kingdom. And the King of all the hearts that opens up to Him.

Those who need God’s forgiveness and peace.

As the people understood that Jesus did not want earthly powers, “Hosanna”,

 their shouts of praise, changed. On Good Friday morning they shouted: “Crucify Him!”   




Rolf Ingvar Ruud


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